Vision and Mission

To deliver world-class support and service to University of the Philippines Manila by providing optimal efficiency and effective advice, and pro-active in the identification of management legal and regulatory risks and opportunities. 

Provide clear, accurate, concise, timely and facilitative legal services, advice and counselling for the attainment of UP Manila’s corporate vision and mission.
Standardize commonly used contracts, agreements, forms.
To create a working and effective system of communication for the provision of timely and facilitative legal services to all of the offices, units, institutes and colleges of UP Manila.
Conduct basic informative and preventive trainings on rights, duties and obligations of UP Manila’s constituents and contracted third party services to promote respect for the individuals and university officials - available on request from concerned offices, units, colleges and institutes.
To provide legal services in relation to due process in investigating and hearing administrative, disciplinary and sexual harassment cases involving UP Manila employees, students and third parties.
To provide legal services for civil, criminal and administrative cases against employees of UP Manila as may be necessary.
Train the legal counsel and staff with the necessary knowledge and skills to be knowledgeable of UP Manila’s vision and mission and focus on how these are to be attained through UPM-LS’s vision and mission including formulation of guidelines and benchmarks for confidentiality and personal data privacy and ethical conduct within the office.
To provide timely, accurate and clear legal services and advice in various committees in UP Manila.